Our Initiatives


Our Initiatives

Advocate and lobbying for 10 km villages road from Sonidan to Syntiewmaw Village under the PMGSY 2007-2008 and safe drinking water implemented by the Public Health Engineering and was successfully implemented.

Setting up turmeric production unit and tailoring unit at Pammanik Village with the support of IIMK, Belgium.

Supporting in procurement of toilet construction materials for defecation free villages in Ri Bhoi and Pammanik Village (Jaintia Hills) funded by IIMK, Belgium.

Institutional delivery was increased in Dangar and Jatah PHC with coverage of 100% and 80% respectively, through outreach efforts like strengthening IEC, BCC and Awareness programmes for motivation, mobilisation and counselling by dedicated team members of both the PHCs.

Initiated dialogues with different stakeholders to maintain the peace and upkeep the functioning of Dangar PHC.

Initiated the grievance redressal committee under Jatah PHC led by community leaders.

Strengthening advocacy programs with different stakeholders in addressing the present scenario of drug use in the State.

Initiating livelihood activities for FIDU by conducting pickle making, jumbled sale, providing social service schemes (dry rations etc.)

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